5/2/13 5pm
Dear diary,
For the first time in life I’m confused! So, today at school, the new girl
yelled in front of the whole class, “Hey, wog girl, how often do you have your
legs?” Everyone was laughing and I just put my head down in shame. I just
wanted to to burst into tears and run and hide. Worst day ever!!
6/2/13 4.30
Dear diary,
So, this has been on my mind all day, what’s really my identity? At school
today I felt so different to everyone, I’ve never noticed but I see differences
between me a my class mates everywhere there’s just a few of the differences
skin colour, amount of hair on arms, food we eat. I’m so confused. I don’t know my identity.
7/2/13 2pm
Dear diary,
so, turns out the other day wasn’t
actually my worst day because today was much worse. Today everyone was teasing me, even my best
friends. I had to leave school early because I couldn’t handle it. I was always
to be Italian now I just don’t know. Only good thing about today is that it’s
the holidays. I can be free for two weeks J yay! I just cat figure out my
identity now, being different has made everything so confusing.
10/6/13 6
Dear diary,
its been a few days since I’ve wrote to you, just been thinking a crying. The
bullying has been worse. I’m getting facebook messages saying go back to your
own country you dirty wog I don’t understand, I didn’t do anything, just
because I’m different, I thought everyone was different, I guess not. I cat
stop thinking about my identity, I just don’t know any more. But here’s some
good news, me and my family are heading over to Italy for a week maybe it will
help me, I hope.
13/6/13 5.30
Dear diary,
Italy’s amazing, I love it here. I look around; same skin colour, same foods I
love to eat, same hair on arms ad same big bum. But there’s one big
difference here I can hardly speak the
language or understand it. So, things are starting to become clearer but I’m
still a bit confused. Life would have been a lot easier if I was born here. But
the again, I would not be the same person I am today.
13/6/13 7.30
Dear diary,
OMG! Just remembered a book I had to
read last year about a Asian girl born in Australia, that was picked on
for being different and that went to Hong Kong and felt like she really
belonged there until she opened her mouth. That’s crazy, her story’s just like
mine. Hmm… how did her story end? Oh that’s right, I remember, she said, “To
this day I am to some extent confused… am I more Asian or Australian?” I hope I
don’t end up like that.
30/6/13 7 pm
Dear diary,
It’s been a while but I’m glad to report finally worked it out. I get some of
my identity from Australia and some from Italy. I don’t care that I’m different
I’m happy I’m different. There must be so many people that are different that
have this very same problem. But I wouldn’t change this experience, its helped
me learn a few new things about myself. I am now proud and happy and no one can
change that!!